
An emotional love story with a thrilling twist from the globally bestselling author of the one memory of flora banks.br>br>ariel''s accidental meeting with a handsome stranger called joe is completely perfect - they have a connection like she''s never known before. they exchange numbers and agree to meet when he is back from a trip to france. but when ariel messages him, the number joe gave her is disconnected. he''s ghosted her. she assumes she will never see him again.br>br>except she does. again and again.br>br>ariel returns to the place she and joe met, and is stunned to find him there, not in france as he said he''d be, and behaving as if he has no idea who she is. br>br>it turns out that their first meeting has been life-changing for them both, actually it''s even more than that for joe. but what do you do when - with every day that passes - you''re literally growing apart from the best person you''ve ever known . . . ?>
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780241481875
Collection Moments philosophiques
Date de parution 29/04/2022
Date de parution 29/04/2022
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29260 Lesneven

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