Brittany - stone stories

Wendy Mewes
This book is an exploration of stones in brittany, the stories they tell us and the stories we tell about them. wendy mewes' customary lucid style presents natural and manmade formations, both sacred and profane, with the tales they have inspired in legend and folklore. from chaos and caves to megaliths, memorials and monuments, these rocky relics all yield a rich narrative. popular imagination has linked the menhirs and dolmens with druids, saints, giants and fairies, but many other places featured here also record the grim hand of history. as well as famous sites, the text presents some unusual and less wellknown ones to provide an intriguing tapestry of accessible wonders in the breton landscape.the book is divided by theme to consider different aspects of the stones and ways of looking at them, including the role they play today. it is enhanced by illustrations from alan montgomery.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780993581588
Date de parution 15/03/2023
Date de parution 15/03/2023
Format 206x136
Nombre de pages 226
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