
Kuang, Rebecca F.
Authors june hayward and athena liu were supposed to be twin rising stars. but athena's a literary darling. june hayward is literally nobody. who wants stories about basic white girls, june thinks.so when june witnesses athena's death in a freak accident, she acts on impulse: she steals athena's just-finished masterpiece, an experimental novel about the unsung contributions of chinese laborers during world war iso what if june edits athena's novel and sends it to her agent as her own work? so what if she lets her new publisher rebrand her as juniper song-complete with an ambiguously ethnic author photo? doesn't this piece of history deserve to be told, whoever the teller? that's what june claims, and the new york times bestseller list seems to agreebut june can't get away from athena's shadow, and emerging evidence threatens to bring june's (stolen) success down around her. as june races to protect her secret, she discovers exactly how far she will go to keep what she thinks she deserveswith its totally immersive first-person voice, yellowface grapples with questions of diversity, racism, and cultural appropriation, as well as the terrifying alienation of social media. r.f. kuang's novel is timely, razor-sharp, and eminently enjoyable.
In stock
EAN 9780008532819
Collection 241 poche
Date de parution 24/05/2024
Date de parution 24/05/2024
Format 24 mm x 198 mm x 128 mm
Nombre de pages 336
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29260 Lesneven

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