Afraid of the light*

Kennedy, Douglas
__________________________ the new novel from the bestselling author of the pursuit of happiness and the moment brendan has always lived a careful, constrained life. a salesman who never liked the work, he''s a man who has stayed in his marriage and his faith because it was what was expected of him. but now, having lost his job after corporate downsizing and on the cusp of sixty, he finds himself scrambling to somehow stay afloat in the only los angeles work on offer to a man his age - driving for uber. when one of his rides, a retired professor named elise, asks to be dropped off outside an abortion clinic where she now volunteers, brendan finds himself literally driving right into the virulent epicentre of one of the major issues of our time, engulfing his life in the process. a novel of high suspense and considerable moral complexity, afraid of the light is a tough, affecting social thriller that speaks volumes about the corrosive divisions of our troubled times. __________________________ ''kennedy is skilled at zigzag plotting, blending domestic twists with turns created by global affairs'' observer
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9781529156935
Collection 221 poche
Date de parution 26/03/2022
Date de parution 26/03/2022
Où nous trouver ?
11 Rue Général de Gaulle
29260 Lesneven
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