Sorry for your trouble

Ford, Richard
''the god of small stories . a set of polished gems from a master craftsman '' sunday times ''he writes about human beings and their disappointments with unfailing insight '' observer ''finely crafted'' mail on sunday ''american master'' daily telegraph a woman and man, parted a quarter of a century, reunite in a bar in new orleans as the st patrick''s day parade goes by. a divorced suburban dad helps his daughter pick out a card for her friend who''s moving away. a group of friends in late middle age, all once promising, reunite for dinner when one of their number loses her husband, but the gathering splinters when bitter revelations about their shared past emerge. two teenage boys sit in a drive-in, the air thick with the scent of gin and popcorn and longing. a visionary collection of luminous landscapes, of great moments in small lives, of the people we carry with us long after they are gone, sorry for your trouble takes disappointment, ageing, grief, love and marriage and silhouettes them against the heady backdrop of irish america in the past and present. earthily humane and profoundly wise, the collection reconfirms its author as the master of contemporary american fiction.>
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781526620057
Collection Moments philosophiques
Date de parution 07/05/2021
Date de parution 07/05/2021
Nombre de pages 272
Où nous trouver ?
11 Rue Général de Gaulle
29260 Lesneven
Horaires d'ouverture

La Librairie Saint Christophe est ouverte du lundi au samedi

du lundi au vendredi :  de 09h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 19h00

le samedi : de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 19h00




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