The marriage portrait - vo

O'Farrell, Maggie
The instant sunday times bestseller from the acclaimed author of hamnet, the marriage portrait is a dazzling evocation of the italian renaissance in all its beauty and brutality.winter, 1561. lucrezia, duchess of ferrara, is taken on an unexpected visit to a country villa by her husband, alfonso. as they sit down to dinner it occurs to lucrezia that alfonso has a sinister purpose in bringing her here. he intends to kill herlucrezia is sixteen years old, and has led a sheltered life locked away inside florence''s grandest palazzo. here, in this remote villa, she is entirely at the mercy of her increasingly erratic husbandwhat is lucrezia to do with this sudden knowledge? what chance does she have against alfonso, ruler of a province, and a trained soldier? how can she ensure her survivalthe marriage portrait is an unforgettable reimagining of the life of a young woman whose proximity to power places her in mortal danger.
EAN 9781472223883
Collection Moments philosophiques
Date de parution 04/07/2023
Date de parution 04/07/2023
Nombre de pages 448
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29260 Lesneven
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