The outsider*

When an eleven-year-old boy is found murdered in a town park, reliable eyewitnesses undeniably point to the town's popular little league coach, terry maitland, as the culprit. dna evidence and fingerprints confirm the crime was committed by this well-loved family man. horrified by the brutal killing, detective ralph anderson, whose own son was once coached by maitland, orders the suspect to be arrested in a public spectacle. but maitland has an alibi. and further research confirms he was indeed out of town that day. as anderson and the district attorney trace the clues, the investigation expands from ohio to texas. and as horrifying answers begin to emerge, so king's propulsive story of almost unbearable suspense kicks into high gear. terry maitland seems like a nice guy but there is one rock-hard fact, as unassailable as gravity: a man cannot be in two places at the same time. can he?
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9781473676435
Date de parution 10/04/2019
Où nous trouver ?
11 Rue Général de Gaulle
29260 Lesneven
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