The party crasher* (v.o)

The talbots are having one last party at their family home. but effie hasn''t been invited . . . effie''s still not over her parents splitting up a year ago and her dad and his new girlfriend are posting photos everywhere (with the hashtags #viagraworks and #sexinyoursixties). now they''re selling the beloved family home and holding a ''house-cooling'' party, but effie hasn''t been invited. then she remembers her precious russian dolls, safely tucked away up a chimney, and has no choice but to go back for them. she''ll just creep in, grab the dolls and leave. no one will know she was ever there. but effie can''t find the dolls. and as she secretly clambers around dusty attics, hides under tables and tries (and fails) to avoid bumping into her ex-boyfriend, she discovers unexpected truths about her family - and even about herself. with time running out, effie starts to wonder if the only way to find out what''s really going on with her family is to simply crash the party...
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9781529177107
Collection 222 poche
Date de parution 11/06/2022
Date de parution 11/06/2022
Format 22 mm x 177 mm x 110 mm
Nombre de pages 368
Où nous trouver ?
11 Rue Général de Gaulle
29260 Lesneven
Horaires d'ouverture

La Librairie Saint Christophe est ouverte du lundi au samedi

du lundi au vendredi :  de 09h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 19h00

le samedi : de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 19h00




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