
Diaz, Hernan
A one of barack obama''s favorite books of 2022 longlisted for the 2022 booker prize winner of the 2022 kirkus prize and named one of the best books of 2022 by buzzy and enthralling a glorious novel about empires and erasures, husbands and wives, staggering fortunes and unspeakable miseryfun as hell to read. --oprah daily a genre-bending, time-skipping story about new york citys elite in the roaring 20s and great depression.--a riveting story of class, capitalism, and greed. ----npr exhilarating. --< even through the roar and effervescence of the 1920s, everyone in new york has heard of benjamin and helen rask. he is a legendary wall street tycoon
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9780593713099
Collection Moments philosophiques
Date de parution 02/05/2023
Date de parution 02/05/2023
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29260 Lesneven
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